Marcin Jaworski's profile

Camelot Research & Visitors Center in England

We want to respect the history to live it to not rebuild it. Being on the hill will build the castle in the imagination of a researcher.
The research center is hidden and integrated within the hill. The only object visible after reaching the top will be the glass barrier. A center creates a big courtyard. Long window around it has one simple aim to focus the visitors atention and imagination on the most important space. The hill peak.
site Camelot hill
ground floor plan:
1. restoration lab, catalogation lab, copy and reproduction, administration
2. book archive
3. restrooms
4. reading room
5. entrance
6. restaurant, waiting area
7. shop, bookstore
8. ''South Cadbury" muzeum room
9. ''The Legend'' muzeum room
10. ''Camelot today'' muzeum room
11. open wall, sitting area / performace area
12. contemplation area
interior / diagrams
section A - A
aerial views
Camelot Research & Visitors Center in England

Camelot Research & Visitors Center in England

Camelot Research and Visitors Center
